1. Tung, S.*, G. Zhai, M. Shirzaei, Potential link between 2020 Mentone,
West Texas M5 earthquake and nearby wastewater injection: implications for
aquifer mechanical properties (2020), Geophysical Research Letter
2. Tung, S.*, M. Shirzaei, C. Ojha, A. Pepe, Z. Liu, Structural
controls over the rupture and aftershocks of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake
sequence investigated by high-fidelity elastic models of velocity structures, Journal
of Geophysical Research
3. Tung, S.*, E. Fielding, D. Bekaert and T. Masterlark (2019b), Rapid geodetic analysis
of subduction zone earthquakes leveraging 3D elastic Green's function library, Geophysical Research Letters
4. Tung, S.*, K. Katzenstein, T. Masterlark, J. Lei, C.
Wauthier and D. Petley (2019a), Sensitivities of geodetic source
analysis to elastic crust heterogeneity constrained by seismic tomography for
the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou, China, earthquake, Seismological Research Letters,
5. Tung, S.*, and T. Masterlark (2018d), Delayed poroelastic
triggering of the 2016 October Visso earthquake by the August Amatrice
earthquake, Italy, Geophysical Research Letters
6. Tung, S.*, and T. Masterlark (2018c), Sensitivities of near‐field tsunami forecasts to megathrust deformation predictions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
7. Tung, S.*, and T. Masterlark (2018b), Resolving source
geometry of the August 24 2016 Amatrice, Central Italy
earthquake from InSAR data and 3D finite element modeling, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
9. Tung, S.*, and T. Masterlark (2018a), Transient
poroelastic stress coupling between the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake and
its M7.3 aftershock, Tectonophysics
10. Tung, S.*, and T. Masterlark (2016), May 2016 Cover Feature
of Journal of Geophysical Research -
Solid Earth
11. Tung, S.*, and T. Masterlark (2016), Coseismic slip
distribution of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha Earthquake from joint
inversion of GPS and InSAR data for slip within a 3D heterogeneous domain, Journal of Geophysical Research
12. Tung, S.*, Leung, J. K. C., Jiao, J., Wiegand, J., and Wartenberg, W. (2013), Assessment of soil radon potential in Hong Kong, China, using a 10-point evaluation system, Environmental Earth Sciences, p. 1-11
13. Masterlark, T.*,
T. Donovan, K.L. Feigl, M. Haney, C. Thurber, and S. Tung (2016), Volcano deformation source parameters estimated
from InSAR: Sensitivities to uncertainties in seismic tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research
14. Cheung, Y. T. D. *, M. J. Spittal, M. K. Williamson, S. Tung and Pirkis, J., (2014),
Predictors of suicides occurring within suicide clusters in Australia,
2004–2008, Social Science & Medicine,
118, 135-14
15. Cheung, Y. T. D.*, M. J. Spittal, M. K. Williamson, S. Tung and Pirkis, J., (2013),
Application of scan statistics to detect suicide clusters in Australia, PloS one, v. 8, no. 1, p. e54168.
*corresponding author
Book Chapters
1. Tung, S., T. Masterlark, and D. S. H. Lo (2018). Finite
element models of elastic earthquake deformation, in Earthquakes-Forecast,
Prognosis and Earthquake Resistant Construction, IntechOpen. (Invited)
2. Masterlark, T., and S. Tung (2018), Finite element models of elastic volcano
deformation, in Volcanoes, InTechOpen (Invited)
Thesis and dissertation
1. Tung, S. (2013), Co-seismic and post-seismic gravity
variation associated with the 2008 M8 Wenchuan earthquake, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Hong Kong
2. Tung, S. (2009), Radon
potential mapping in Hong Kong, MPhil Thesis, University of Hong Kong
Recent Conference Papers and
1. *Tung, S., M. Shirazei, T. Masterlark (2020), Integrated fault mesh of Southern
California in finite element models of structural geometric complexities,
crustal heterogeneity, and topography, SCEC
annual meeting
2. *Tung, S., G. Zhai and M. Shirazei (2020), 2020 M5 Mentone earthquake potentially
induced by deep wastewater injection: implications for reservoir mechanical
property and individual well impacts, American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, California
3. *Tung, S., G. Zhai and M. Shirazei (2019), Investigating Impact of Local
Hydrogeology and Tectonics on Physics-based Induced Earthquake Forecast Models, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, California
4. *Masterlark, T., J. Long-Fox and S.
Tung (2019), Enhancing Inverse Analyses of Volcano Deformation Data with
Multidisciplinary Information using Finite Element Models, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, California
5. *Long-Fox, J., T. Masterlark, J. and S. Tung (2019), Investigating Transient Deformation of Okmok
Volcano, Alaska, using FEMs, American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, California
6. Tung, S., G. Ustunisik and *R. L. Nielse (2018), Potential Consequences of the
Compositional Distribution of Trace Element Partitioning Experiments, Abstract #382100, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washingto
7. *Masterlark, T., S. Tung, G. Ustunisik and M. Baranowsk(2018), Impulse-Response Experiments for Integrating Space-borne,
Field, and Laboratory Measurements of Magmatic Systems, American Geophysical Union Chapman Meeting, Quinamavida, Maule
Region, Chile
8. *Tung, S.,
and T. Masterlark (2016), Rapid
inversion of earthquake sources by geodesy- based
seismic deformation within complex
crustal heterogeneity, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisc
9. *Tung, S.,
and T. Masterlark (2016), Coseismic slip distribution along a curved rupture embedded in the 3D
heterogeneous crust: Joint inversion of InSAR and GPS data for the 2016 Central
Italy earthquake, American
Geophysical UnionFall Meeting, San
Francisco, USA
10. *Tung, S.,
T. Masterlark and T. Donovan (2015), Inverting for earthquake kinematic source
parameters with GPS and InSAR: Stepwise nonlinear and linear FEM-based inverse
analyses, International Associationfor Mathematical Geosciences Conference, Germany